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JK Fenner Eswan Aerators

4.6 ( 6576 ratings )
Obchod Katalogy
Vývojář: Eleviant Technologies Inc

"JK Fenner Eswan Aerators" is the official app of J.K. Fenner (India) Limited.
J.K. Fenner (India) Limited is a member of the JK Organization which ranks among the top Industrial houses in India for over 100 years. Fenner commenced operations in India in 1929 and put up their first manufacturing unit at Madurai in Tamilnadu in the year 1956. Currently there are 7 manufacturing units over 5 locations.

In this application you will find all of the information about the Aqua Transmission System such as all type of Aerators & Accessories.

Browse through our catalogue or use the advanced search to find those products that best suit.

Always have the most up-to-date information about our Aqua Transmission system products together with their Product Type, Model, Technical specifications & Benefits and Unit Price so that you can check all of this information with your mobile / tablet offline.

For enquiries and questions, you can tap on “Talk to us” or “Sales Support” to get in touch with our sales team who will be delighted to assist you.